
I Am She (Step Aside Men)

A call to arms for female leadership

Sarah J. Baker
2 min readAug 9, 2020


Author holds sign board that reads “Such a nasty woman.” She is rolling her eyes.
Image by Author

Slut, whore, hag.
Crone, bitch, skank.
Words that not even my predictive text can summon.
Erasure or respect? I cannot tell.

The harbinger of all human suffering.
An infernal harpy.
A confounding wench.

The supreme man’s afterthought;
God, ess.

“A nasty woman.”
A cunt.
A ball and chain.
Yet it is I who is wedded to a house.

The power to give life rests within me.
Depends on me.
Relies on me.
I can give it, and I can take it
… at will.
For without my body new life cannot survive.
My body. My choice.

Does that make you uncomfortable, you harbingers of destruction?
You writers of laws, of constitutions
… of rights?
The rights of men.



Sarah J. Baker

Navel Gazer | Feminist | Urban Agriculturalist | Queen of Snark | Sweating the little things | FB @ SarahJBakersTeacup