Sarah J. BakerBeware the Ghosts of Memories PastTreading the faded line between memory, perception, and truthMar 18, 20204Mar 18, 20204
Sarah J. BakerBlind Confessions of a Confabulated CryptomnesiacExploring unconscious plagiarism and assimilating creative ideasJul 30, 20204Jul 30, 20204
Sarah J. BakerDeath of the AuthorWho wrote this, is it a hoax, and does it really matter anyway?Aug 25, 20201Aug 25, 20201
InGenius in a BottlebySarah J. BakerNewsflash: Tom Cruise Confirmed a HoaxThe artful line between parody and hoax in a world where reality has become an enigmaDec 3, 20201Dec 3, 20201